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1998 Numduc Rally On a Sporty On a Roundcase


I HAD a bit of bad news earlier this year when a member of the BMW Club told me that no more Black Duck rallies would be held in the near future. I had been to all Ducks (bar 1) since 1987 and enjoyed them all. It was a sad day, but better news was around the corner.
The Ducati Club of WA announced their Numduc Rally would be held in Dowerin and I immediately made some enquiries. Enthusiasts mount up!
There was one other thing to do. I have formed a bit of a long standing, unofficial rally appointment with the Albany crew. So I rang Bob Rees to see if any of the "crew" would be heading for Dowerin. Yes, said Bob , see you there on Saturday afternoon. OK, this will be fun I thought, now how can I load my rally gear on to the Harley.
For me, the ride is often as important as the rally and this one was uneventful if somewhat boring. Harley's are not known for their pin sharp handling, but at least they are reliable these days.
Anyway I just couldn't get in the groove and longed for my Ducati and cornering ability and character etc.
All of my gloom started to vanish when I saw Bob and Mary Sutcliffe, campsite for the use of etc.
As the others trickled in and set up camp, a fire was lit and meals prepared. New and old faces, good conversation about bikes, what more could you want? I always start with Hors-d'oeuvres which is very civilised especially when combined with a good "Red".
Naturally I sometimes overdo the Red which can be interesting to say the least. I've always had the dubious honor of being able to drink myself under the bike bench, so these days use some restraint. (Ha, is that what you call it - Ed).
The Numduc was a friendly rally with a good yarn at every fire and heaps of old faces everywhere. One highlight for me was being given a lift into Dowerin as pillion on Bob & Chris' R100CS outfit. That was a buz and noting what a good sidecar pilot Chris has become. I am very biased here as I am a ardent chair enthusiast and love to see new recruits.
As with all good rallies we soon had to return home and said our farewells. With loads secured we all roared off until we meet up for another rally or club run.

By Doug Firth


It was still drizzling when I left Bremer on Saturday morning.The boys had got up early to go surfing .Who was sillier?
On the road between Jerramungup and Ongerup I passed an out fit with a cold kelpie on the tank.I had fuelled the Duke and myself at Katanning when the Albany crew arrived,Bob,Chris,Ian,Jenny and Cam.Harry and the sidecar from Jerry pulled up with both his ladies as we left.
The day was turning into a beauty as we rode through Narrogin to our lunch and fuel stop at Brookton.Here we met Ross and Pat on a couple of Kawasakis (apparently Pat is now the owner of a Francis Barnett!). Between York and Northam we were passed by the "Fast mob from Albany", after our lead rider and scout had missed the turn to Meckering!
At Goomalling we were treated to a nice three gear mono by some very adept hoon from the South-west on a Ducati Monster.
The Dowerin pub was cranking as we rode through.I missed it as I was going for the reserve tap while negotiating a turn. Apparently it was wall to wall bikes.
The track through the paddocks to the campsite was a test for some riders.Whoever was riding the Rees' outfit had a wee bit of trouble in the mud .I'm not sure but it eventually turned up at the spot picked out by the Sutcliffes and Doug. Camped there also were Hugo, Gordon, Morry, Murray, Peter, Roger, with Deb and Merv arriving at sundown.
The Ducati Owners Club had picked great campsite with good facilities and shelter.The usual entertainment was ongoing with all sorts of bikes lapping the area. One was a Hailwood Duke stripped of fairing and with a knobbly tyre mixing it with chook chasers and other roadbikes
Flares, wild campfires and hot air rubbish bags combined with daring riders on outfits charging the bullpit continued till the early hours. Bob Sutty was almost convinced to take his trike out and show how it was done!
Sunday morning was the gymkhana and awards time. Sidecar slalom, slow rides and bungy running events were held. Ian had a go at the bungy and was grovelling in the dirt for a while to no avail. Chris won the longest female travelled award and I the furtherest male after the trophy was passed around our campfire, like a 'poison parcel'.
Sunday night was a lot quieter as many bikers had left that day and it was a very mellow evening with more 'true' stories and yarns being told with only the odd flaring scotch bottle at the neighbouring fires.
The D.O.C.W.A. had organised well, and food and firewood was available all night and day, and we all must agree the Numduc should be held again.
Monday morning saw us all pack up and hit the road.I travelled with Gordon through Cunderdin,while the Albany mob did the 'Yuppie tour through York'.
Winter sun on our backs, tail wind, winding roads and couple of Italian vee twins ate up the kilometres through the wheatbelt. Gordon and I parted at Lake Grace and I got home mid arvo well satisfied. You really notice the weather when riding and it had turned on a good weekend, with the surf 'going off' for the boys at home.