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ABOUT 20 bikes of differing ages and makes gathered at the Amity Tavern on Sunday, May 9 for a club ride to Williams Bay. They ranged from a1947 Matchless to a relatively new K75RT BMW, solos to sidecar outfits. A lot of brands in between from AJS, BSA (3 Gold Flashes), Vincent, Z Kawasakis, Yamahas and Triumphs. I won’t try and list them all as I’m sure I’d miss some out. Using two different routes, the slower one to Denmark via Lower Denmark Road and the longer ride via Narrikup and the Denbarker Road we left Amity Tavern. There was around 20 bikes altogether and the riders took whichever route they wanted regardless of age etc of bike. Ian Jury’s 500cc Matchless nipped up about 15ks from Denmark but after letting the motor cool off, kicked it over and was on the road again. The back-up trailer had stopped in anticipation of some action, but carried on empty. At Denmark we all arrived roughly at the same time and stopped for a short break at the carpark next to the river. There to join us was Don from Denmark on his 1940’s Indian Chief. We then left for William’s Bay via Scotsdale Road, one of the best roads around here, John McKinnon on his SRX600 Yamaha single and me on my 1951 AJS 500cc single had a great time riding up and down the hill, the noise of the 2 singles like music to your ears — on one corner my bike actually danced around a bit, on some loose bitumen. We had lunch at William’s Bay, a beautiful spot, it’s a nice road in from the South Coast Highway too. On the return trip to Albany Triumph the Trident had the dubious title of being the first person to use the back-up trailer on a club ride!!! It could happen to anyone, and it’s always a good source of entertainment for others that pull up behind the sick bike. On the plus side Harry & Esme who were towing the back-up trailer were pleased to be of service.