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ABOUT 14 people took off for Hamlin Bay on May 1 for an overnight stay at the caravan park. A few others came for the ride as far as Walpole and just as we were about to leave the sidecar contingent rolled up, they were lunching at Walpole before heading back to Albany. It was a great day for a ride apart from it being a bit windy. After leaving Walpole we headed for Manjimup, Bridgetown and then on to Nannup, Karrivale and finally Hamlin Bay, riding some of the best roads in the south west. There was little traffic about, although Wayne surprised a cow on the Bridgetown to Nannup Road! At Hamlin Bay we were joined by a further eight people from Perth. After tents were put up, a few beers were downed, followed by a BBQ for most, we then sat around the fire soaking up the warm night, then a shower of rain arrived soaking us instead, we moved into the annexe of the caravan that Bob and Mary had hired. Yours truly went face first in the dirt after tripping over a guide rope, much to the amusement of others. The rain eventually stopped and we were around the fire again later at night, listening to people (who reckon they don’t) snoring. Next morning the wind had died off and a more direct ride home was chosen through Northcliffe. A great weekend. Emu after Chris - but what's Ian after?
I said to Chris how about an Emu - I actually meant a can of Emu Export!