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APRIL 11, 1999

SOME of our members, Neil Bromilow, Kelly Walsh, Des Gaze and Peter (Macca) Macdonald entered this year’s Northam Hill Climb at Mt Ommeney, this was run by Ray Oakes and his team from Perth. Practice started at 8 am. It was Kelly’s first try at this hill. You should have seen him wind-up that little C.Z., Kelly had a fan club at the hairpin bend top see him lift the front wheel every time. Des and Wes, once through their smoke screen also did well. Wes’s Bultaco looks great. Neil and Macca are still trying to out do each other. Neil got over excited after turning the hairpin corner, dug the footrest into the road, ended up laying the bike under a tree and himself beside it. This was a good opportunity to test out his leathers, and smell the flowers on the side of the road. Fortunately no damage done. Didn’t feel any pain until he was on the way home. After this minor hitch (second practise run) Neil calmed down a little, and went onto win the event. The weather was perfect, the company great, and a good time had by approximately 50 riders. Outright winner and Racer class winner: Neil Bromilow. 3rd place in Racer class: Peter Macdonald Ladies winner: Ann Stonehouse.
Story and pictures by Robyn Bromilow.

Macca and Neil
Neil getting his bike ready for the next run up the hill with a little help from Macca.