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IN conjunction with Albany Motorcycles, Honda MPE and Police Rider Training there will be another Rider Training Course conducted in October. The exact date will be set later and advertised. There will be room for 20 riders only, so keep this in mind to ensure your place in this renowned training course.

LYNTON Morgan of Albany Motorcycles is one of the organisers of Off-Road Events, they recently had a ride to Windy Harbour and shortly is a ride to Rocky Gully. Interested? Give Lynton a ring.

I‘VE just had quite a lot information from the Gnowangerup Pub for our overnight stay on August 14. It’s $40 for Dinner, Bed and Cooked Breakfast — Sounds like a bargain — He can also organise a Poker Run, Country/Rock Band etc. More details at the June and July meetings.

WE now have our own site on the internet, John McKinnon kindly set it all up, it’ll be interesting to see how much interest it creates. Our Web Site & Email address is on page 1.



Foreskin grafts save bikers’ lives
BIKERS needing skin grafts after gravel rash accidents will soon be fitted with imitation skin cloned from the foreskins of babies. The skin patches, called Dermagraft, will be delivered to hospitals frozen, ready for surgeons cut to shape. The off-the-shelf human skin is in final clinical trials with American creators Advanced Tissue Sciences, which expects it to save thousands of limb amputations every year. ATS scientists told Albany Vintage & Classic M/Cycle Club recently: “We won’t need millions of foreskins. Each one contains the cells to make enough new skin to cover six football pitches,”