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April 2019 Club News

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Bunbury Indian Harley Club's Two-Day Rally

John’s lovingly unrestored 1938 500cc Panther called “Rusty”.
The Indian Harley Club always put on a fabulous two-day rally. This year was the 45th. In what has now become tradition, a group of our Club members ride up on Friday to set up camp ready for the weekend activities.

A warming coffee at Frankland.
It was a first this year that it rained on the way up. We left Albany in fine weather, but about 20kms before Mt Barker it was raining quite heavily. By Frankland it had eased.

Our campsite in Bunbury at the heart of the 2 Day Rally.
At the campsite we were joined by Huw, Elina, Bruce, Kylie and John. Phillip arrived, but was staying elsewhere.

The weather in the evening was good, so we enjoyed sitting around, chatting and having our various dinners.

Next day we awoke to the sound of rain on the tent. It wasn’t too bad to start off with, but we were soon taking cover under various tarps.

We set off on the Rally in two groups a shorter (100km) ride and a longer (230km) ride. Chris and I chose the shorter ride, thinking we did the long one the day before!

Some of the 180 entrants in this year’s rally.
It was a bit drizzly, but eventually stopped completely. It was a great course, as usual, lunch was at Collie, the longer ride had their lunch break in Nannup.

Keeping dry at the start of the Saturday ride.
By mid-afternoon we were back at camp with plenty of time for a shower before a few drinks and the evening BBQ at the Clubhouse.

This year was a cook your own BBQ again (great idea), a great band playing and of course the bar was going ahead full steam. Its a great weekend to catch up with people you haven’t seen for a while.

Morning tea stop on Sunday’s rde.
Next day was dry, this time the ride was equal for both groups of riders, although they rode in different directions, but with the same morning tea stop.

Before long it was time to head home. None of our Club members received any prizes (although we did well last year).

And the only incidents was Kylie’s bike with a loose nut and Raelene’s bike with a broken clutch cable, oh and John had a few parts fall off his Panther, not unexpected ha ha. But its great to see a bike in original condition and still going strong.

The Albany crew headed for Nannup for the Sunday night, a great campground and it makes for an easy ride on Monday.

It was a hilarious night in the campers kitchen, and Bob Boyes finding it easier to sleep in the verandah of the unused toilet than putting the tent up!

A nice ride home next day, thanks for the company everyone, already looking forward to next year.

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