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There's always a good turn-out for this annual ride and this time was no
different. And to top it off it was a perfect day for riding.
Millbrook Road is in quite good condition these days so the ride up
there was most enjoyable before a short ride on the Albany Highway and
then down towards Redmond.
The shop was shut as usual, but there is a nice area for a break with
plenty of shade. The ride on the back roads to Cosy Corner involves a
little bit of gravel road. It's pretty smooth, but can get very dusty at
this time of the year. One year a truck came the other way and it was
difficult to see, but this year fortunately there was no other traffic
on the road.
Par for course the Cosy Corner BBQ’s weren’t working properly but
because Colin Veale was doing back-up duties with Chester riding
shotgun, we were able to use the Club BBQ once again.
There was a bit of a problem lighting it especially as these days very
few people smoke, maybe we should keep a couple of boxes of matches in
the Club trailer too. Anyway Colin and Chester put the hard yards in and
got the BBQ to work, and it soon filled up with tasty morsels.
After a lot of chatting, laughter and socialising it was time to head
Thanks to Colin (and Chester) for towing the back-up trailer and keeping the hungry hordes at bay.