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April 2019 Club News

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Maranup Ford Weekend

Nice shady camp spots.
There's few caravan parks where you’re able to camp on the March long weekend. Luckily for us Bruce’s cousin owns the Maranup Ford caravan park, and as you can see from the photo, they reserve a lovely shady camping spot for the Club. The camp kitchen and showers are very close.

Cooking outside the tent.
There weren’t a huge number of Club members that camped but the ones that did had a great time.

Cesco in pain after roo strike.
The only unfortunate incident was on the way Francesco was hit by a ‘roo side-on resulting in a broken ankle, so he didn’t make it, but did manage to turn the bike around and ride home.

The Nannup Music Festival was in full swing and some rode down there for a look around and there’s some great roads in the area. So mark it in your diary for next year, perfect spot and only $12.50 pp.

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