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August 2018 Club News

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Old Pictures

Photos from Bob Rees and Ian Jury

Room with a view.
My stock of old photos sent in by members has decreased so I thought I would put his picture in. Taken just over 30 years ago when Chris and I went for a ride up along the WA coast on our R80 BMW. We camped at the Blowholes, near Carnarvon, we were the only ones there. I liked this picture for the NO FISHING sign in the dunny. We had petrol tank panniers on the bike too, don’t see many of them these days (copied them from ones that John Mac bought in the 70’s in London, although ours were made locally in leather).
We stopped at the same place last year coming back from a trip in our sidecar outfit. There were so many people there that we kept on going.

A long time ago, in a place not too far away.
Ian Jury sent in this photo taken on a ride in the early 90’s. From the left: Ian, John Mac, Chris, Heather, Bob and Rowley. I need more old photos for your magazine, so have a look in your drawers - dig ‘em out and send ‘em in.

Lurline waving.
Club sidecar ride to Mukinbudin with Lurline waving, Phil and Des standing and Chris riding the sidecar behind.

Bush picnic.
June, Lloyd and Brian Bowman with Phil Penny on a VMCC ride.

Atmospheric Numbat shot.
An early Numbat Rally at the old rally site with Chris, Bob Sutcliffe, Rowley, Kathy, Mary, Sue, Bob & Ian

Tricky BMW sidestand.
Heather Rowe and Anne helping Linda with the sidestand on the 1970’s BMW on one of the first Ladies' Rides.

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