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About 17 riders gathered at the information bay on a crisp clear day. We
had a text from el presidento, Bob, to say he had set off for Perth and
for us to watch out for a multanova on the Albany highway north of the
passing lane and Millbrook road.
Probably we would have been OK as the ones riding were mostly law abiding citizens. But thanks anyway as lots of us gauge the speed by the wind on our faces and do get it wrong sometimes.
Setting off just after 9.30 we travelled along Millbrook Road which has had another section of black top west completed. It will be great when it's done right through to the highway .
Morning tea was held at the bakery where we picked up the Denmark bods David and Geoff. Garry Taylor led us to the turn off just past the Tenterden shop where we headed off east picking up the Salt River Road.
It was a really pleasant ride along the north side of the Stirlings and the paddocks had a light green covering. Looks like stock were being hand fed as the farmers had a very late start.
John Davis pulled in behind us as we turned off onto Formby South Road coming from Gnowangerup, good timing.
A couple of bods called into the Bluff Cafe as bulk of us headed
straight up to the car park lookout. The car park was fairly full but we
all found enough space to park the bikes close to the tables and chairs.
Great view from here and everyone lingered on after lunch for a
chitchat. Steve Collins hadn't topped up so he decided to head off
earlier to cruise back as the nearest fuel was Bakers Junction. Garry
followed him up just in case, but he managed to limp in on fumes.
All in all it was a very pleasant day.