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December 2013 Club News

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Cosy Corner Breakfast Ride

Normally we get a good turn-out for this ride even though it's an 8 am start. But being as the weather forecast wasn’t too good this time I had my doubts. But bikes continued to roll in and there would have been nearly thirty bikes by the time we arrived at Cosy Corner.

There were a few spots of rain shortly after we left Albany, and I noticed Andrew turning left as we all turned right onto Albany Highway before turning down Link Road.

Aha! I thought, I know what you’re doing - ducking back into town to get your wet weather pants - sneaky, and you thought you got away with it, but no, you got the award Andrew ha ha.

Tucking into the barbecue food.
But riding down the road to Torbay the sun was back out and it was quite warm - beautiful morning really.
As we entered the BBQ spot I noticed the Rangers car, well at least the BBQ’s were all working I thought.
Oh no they weren’t - one was and one wasn’t, we asked the  Ranger about it, “But”, he said, “We don’t look after the BBQ’s any more, Cleanaway does, I’ll have to report it.” He said people are often asking questions and its got nothing to do with them!

Luckily we brought our Club BBQ as well, I don’t think one BBQ would have coped. It was good to see Bob, Maureen and family, Geoff from Denmark and Daniel again made the trip from Bow River. Also Ron Allen made the effort too on the Russian rarity, well done Ron.

Beautifully-restored Suzuki 750 waterbottle in
We’re certainly getting bikes of all genders (isn't it a bit personal finding that out? - web editor) on the shorter rides - its great to see. Thanks Don and grandson for doing back-up trailer duties. We put the bikes in the shed at home and down came the rain - great timing, great breakfast ride.  

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