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Friday morning nine of us gathered at the info bay for what
looked like a perfect day for a ride. After a natter about which
way to go, we set off through the Porongurups with a stop at the
store for coffee and then on to Barker where we got some tucker
for lunch.
Unfortunately Antoinette got stung by a bee on her face but
quick action by the nurses removed the sting and we set off for
Here we were met by Philip O'Halloran and Vicki and Bill
O'Halloran. Philip was joining us for the ride but Vicki and
Bill were just there for lunch. Bill had his Panther out for a
run and Vicki was riding her Honda 500/4. After refuelling and
having a yarn over lunch we rode to Rocky Gully continuing on to
Lake Muir for a break. There was lots of water and an abundance
of bird life.
We then continued on to Quinninup arriving at mid afternoon.
Bob was immediately approached by a very friendly emu much to
his abhorrence. We found out later that Nemo the Emu was adopted
by the park owners when small but they were unable to get it to
return to the wild.
After Bob managed to escape its attention Garry got his finger
bitten and Nemo then became the token fly catcher as we were
setting up. The park was well set up with good lawn covering,
clean ablutions and the hard accommodation was very reasonable.
Antoinette's face was starting to swell up and getting sore but
a bit of medication and a few cold drinks made it easier to put
up with.
We all stayed at the park in the evening and used the
facilities in one of the cabins as the campers kitchen was too
far away. There was also a gazebo and BBQ outside the cabin
which made a great venue for the night.
morning we roughed out a ride and headed off to Nannup via
Manjimup for fuel and coffee then on to Donnelly Mill where the
only downside was lots of road works in progress. Lunch and
another break at Nannup before we decided to go back via
Pemberton partly on the Channybearup Road and the Pump Hill
Road. By this time it was warming up so the fuel stop was also
an ice cream stop in the shade.
We got back to Quinninup around 4.00 o'clock and had a few
coldies before sprucing up to go to the Tavern for a meal. The
Quinny Pub was great with good service and excellent meals so we
had a very pleasant evening.
Ronnie and Bob needed a pyromaniac fix so the rest of the night
was spent around the campfire because this was the last day of
the year allowing fires (phew).
Sunday morning we all packed up and headed home via Walpole. All
in all a very satisfying ride on good roads with near perfect
Thanks to Garry Taylor for doing backup and carting all the gear.