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December 2012 Club News

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Wellstead Club Bike Display

The scene of the Triumphant misadventure.
The Club was again invited to put on a display at the Annual Wellstead Harvest Festival. Always a pleasure to help out especially with smaller shows like this one. It wasn’t as pleasant as it could have been for Phil, as his Triumph had the ignominy of being the first broken-down bike on the Club trailer.

We’d been waiting for ages to see who would be first to christen it, no, not a BMW, Guzzi or Indian, but a Triumph. Phil took it all in good humour as usual.

He could have fixed it and carried on really as it was only the chainguard that was rubbing on the chain. Still you’ve taken the pressure off the rest of us Phil - thanks ha ha.

Bikes on display at Wellstead.
After a couple of hours, including lunch, out there we returned to Albany (on what has to be, in places, one of the bumpiest roads in the State).

Thanks Garry for going back-up and Phil for the entertainment.

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