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December 2012 Club News

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Fire Station Inspection & BBQ

Inspecting the Albany Volunteer Fire Station,
          trucks and equipment.
The Albany Volunteer Fire Brigade invited the Club to have a look at their new premises in Albany. They have helped with the Hillclimb Weekend for the past few years and profits from the event have gone towards their organisation. It was a good opportunity to see what our donations had helped achieve.

Garry (centre) with Maureen and Bob and their BSA
          Rocket 3.
When we arrived there the Club received a guided tour of the station and fire trucks as well as a sumptuous morning tea. They are a very dedicated, hospitable and friendly bunch - it was very interesting and the community owes them a lot.

We then rode over to Frenchmans Bay for a BBQ lunch. Well that was plan A - it was packed, and no room for us. So a decision was made to go to Misery Beach instead, which is only around the corner.

It was deserted, so it was an ideal opportunity to use the Club BBQ. Martin was doing back-up duties and towed the trailer with BBQ attached. Thanks Martin.

All the regular places that we go seem to be getting busier so having our own BBQ means we have more flexibility in where we can have meals.

Great ride, as well as interesting and informative.

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