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In April 2012 we purchased 70% of a 1924 JE model Harley
Davidson. I always wanted to restore an older bike. This was
maybe a good start. As you can see on the photos there is still
a lot missing.
The plan is to restore the bike to a “barn find” I know this is
going to be difficult because I have to find the original parts
in the “barn find” stage.
It is not going be a show bike but one I want to ride as much
as possible! On our recent trip to America and Canada, we bought
some new parts.
We also met people who are willing to keep an eye out for parts
at the big swap meets over there. I hope by keeping you up to
date of this project, some people might know or have parts they
want to sell/swap.
Email : antoinetglazema@hotmail.com
Phone Ronnie: 08 9845 1278