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Ww were invited by the Wellstead Community to display our bikes
at their Harvest Festival in October. They have been very
accommodating with our use of their hall in the past, so it was
a chance to return the favour.
The weather was good and 16 bikes turned out for the ride. Phil
had brought his 650cc BSA down from Kojonup and it was good to
see David on his 1929 OHC Velocette.
The police were pointing a radar gun up Chester Pass Rd from the
entrance of our starting point at the info bay to check on
speeding motorists coming down Chester Pass Road - they were
kept very busy.
Antoinet was riding the Moto Guzzi that Ronnie had just
restored, and with a bit of clutch adjustment at Manypeaks it
went as well as it looked.
Bill had brought his 1972 900SS Ducati out for the ride. It had
only done 200kms since he restored it and it looked fantastic
and it sounded good too as it blasted past me.
Actually we had a great mixture of bikes, most being older,
although Chester’s Gold Wing and its sumptuous seats seemed to
get the most attention especially from the Wellstead ladies.
Andrew’s always worried about getting left behind on his 250cc
BMW and of course once he gets going we never see him again.
It was interesting to look at the stalls at the Wellstead
Festival, the waffle stand seemed to be taking a hammering.
Great day, thanks Ian for doing back-up duties..