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Bearing in mind it was an 8 am ride and the weather didn’t look
too kind, I was surprised to see the number of club members
turning up at the info bay.
It was good to see some of the older bikes out for a run.
Daniel rode in from Bow River and Harley from Mt Barker.
We headed straight to Two People’s Bay via Mercer and Nanarup
Once again the BBQ’s were sluggish, I think they must be
maintained by the Noisy Scrub Birds out there as they were
making a bit of noise, but nothing was happening.
Eventually though everyone had cooked their breakfasts and were
happily standing around socialising.
There was only a little bit of drizzle but not enough to spoil a
great morning. We ended up riding up our drive a bit after 11am,
a nice way to have breakfast and a relaxing morning.
Thanks Helen for taking a back-up trailer, much appreciated.