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December 2011 Club News

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Pink Ribbon Ride 2011

By Raelene Blake

I am pleased to say I now know at least 40 people who are willing to give up their Sunday morning “sleep-in” to brave some very ordinary weather on their bikes... get together and donate to Cancer Council WA in raising the awareness of breast cancer.

The rain actually held off while everyone was arriving, but as we were about to head off, we had a very heavy downpour. That was ok, we continued to huddle in the shelter, up close and personal... and checking out all the “pink” on bikes and riders.

Neil and Andrew
          are impressed by pink assets.
Chester had his grandson with him. He had discouraged “grandpa” from wearing his usual well endowed lacy pink bra. Chester had to settle for a pink cap and decorations on his bike. Neil had on a very suspect pink beanie with a pink pompom. Garry was in his pink top hat. There were pink shirts, hats, scarves, halos and tutus!

          demonstrates Police technique.
When the rain had passed we headed off to Mt Barker for morning tea at the bakery. We rode out Chester Pass Rd, down Yellanup Rd to Narrikup, then Albany H'way to Mt Barker. One long straight stretch was just too tempting for some and they felt they needed to move along... only to be passed by an oncoming blue and white Commodore, namely the local police. They thought they would be gone for sure, but no. We think it was the sight of Bill’s pink tutu that got them off. It was very fetching!

After coffee at the bakery, where we are always made to feel welcome, we headed back to Albany via the Woogenellup Rd to Kamballup & Chester Pass Rd. Regardless of the predicted weather we only encountered a couple of showers so the ride was very enjoyable.

We had asked Cherie, 3D catering, if she could do lunch for us this year and were riding to the Rifle club on Frenchman Bay Rd where they had set everything up in the hall due to the bad weather. It was great to arrive to a nice hot burger, cake and coffee after our ride.

We had some great prizes to raffle, thank you to our generous sponsors, listed below.

Harley also had been busy canvassing businesses for donations, Great Southern Aviation had donated a joy flight or ½ hour initial learn to fly. Garry was fortunate enough to win this one. Although I’m sure it was my ticket that won it, he was only in charge of our tickets.

Thank you to the very generous riders on the day helping to close on $1,045 which was a brilliant effort, conditions considered.

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