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Yes, I know I had this as the Kalgan River BBQ Ride in the last
Club News. I was half-tempted that we went to the Kalgan, got a
piece of steel and lit a fire under it. Anyway, by now most
realised that what we were supposed to be doing was heading to
the BBQ area at Lower King by the bridge.
On a good day its a lovely spot, unfortunately, once again the
weather could have been better, but this didn’t deter the
stalwarts turning up. It was good to see Lawrence Emery on his
shiny Triumph as well as Wendy who had come down from Perth.
The Club beanies had arrived and we were selling them like hot
cakes, and something warm on your head on a cold day is a good
choice, especially if there’s not much hair there.
Ronnie then took us through where the ride was gong to take us,
first over to Albany Hwy via some back roads and then down
Menang Drive and up the old Rocky Crossing Road to Bakers
Junction for a coffee. Ray Gerovich is always very welcoming and
came out for a chat.
Chester joined us here as he had been out whale spotting for
John Woodbury. We then rode along the South Coast Hwy and down
Hunton Road before heading to Nanarup Beach. Its a beautiful
spot, the bar hadn’t broken so the water was very full in the
John and Ronnie rode out through the soft sand to the bar where
they posed for photos, joined by Antoinet and Robert. It looked
stunning, with sunshine, big waves, and a black sky for
We then carried onto the Lower King BBQ area and (slowly) cooked
lunch. Once again even though the weather didn’t look too good,
and we did have some light drizzle, it turned out OK, I didn’t
even put my wet weather pants on.
No breakdowns, although Ian had a case of the droopy front
indicators (maybe take the bike to the doctors). Thanks to Lez
for coming over from Denmark to do back-up duties, much