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August 2016 Club News

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Boston Brewery Ride

Just for a change Ronnie had the idea of an afternoon ride ending at Boston Brewery just outside Denmark. Late in June the weather could be unpredictable, but we were lucky with a sunny, but cold ride leaving Albany at 1.30 pm.

We went up Millbrook Road, which is a lot smoother these days, before turning up Albany Highway to Narrikup where we had a short break.

Liam, Mal and Ronnie discussing the customised Suzuki
          250 Liam was riding.
This gave us time to chat to new members Mal, and Liam, and discuss the bikes that they had brought especially the Suzuki 250 which Liam was riding. We also welcomed a visitor, Ken.

It was good to see Chris Prescott on the 1951 AJS and Matt and Zac on their 1972 BMW.
Bob Boyes admiring Chris Prescott’s AJS while the two
          Ians share a joke.

The ride down Spencer Road and the Denbarker Road was great, never much in the way of traffic. I was pleased the way the Sunbeam that Chris was riding and my BSA Gold Flash went, even though there was some comments about oil, but you ignore that.

At the Boston Brewery we were met by Daniel who had rode down from his place at Bow River on his Ariel to meet us.
Matt, Antoinet, Ronnie, Chris, Bob and Ian about to
          leave after enjoying a drink at the Boston Brewery, just
          outside Denmark.

A bloke came up to me at the Brewery to tell me that the headlight wasn’t working on Ronnie’s Indian! I think he thought it was a modern bike where the lights are on the whole time, very good of him to be concerned though.

Boston Brewery is a great venue with a good variety of drinks, hot or cold, But on a cold day the mulled wine tasted great to me.

Thanks to Ron and Petra for going back-up and giving the wounded Chester an afternoon ride in the car.

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