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New club member Brendon Flower has started his Custom Motorcycle
Fabrication business in the Porongurups. The “shed rides” are
always very popular and this ride was great: 35 people on the
one today! By the time we got to the info bay most had arrived
The weather was beautiful and everyone was keen to get going.
Ronnie told everyone where to go and to maybe stop at the turn
off to Brendon's place. We took Chester Pass Road and turned
onto the Porongurups Road, then it was only 7 km till we found
their beautiful property.
Brendon was waiting for us, the urn was going and lots of
goodies on the go; sausage rolls, cakes and biscuits. Everything
was very well organised.
I'm sorry to tell you I don't know many details about all the
great work Brendon is doing but it all looked very good, the
workshop was very tidy and there were some amazing bikes stored
in the shed.
It was wonderful to catch up with members although by now it
had gotten really warm. Some members were going straight home,
others were going to have lunch in Mount Barker somewhere under
the shade.
Ronnie and I and a couple of other members got our lunch at the
bakery and caught up with some more on Mount Barker hill. Thanks
to Don for doing back up and thank you very much Brendon for
your hospitality, we wish you all the best.