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April 2016 Club News

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Club Gymkhana and Sheep on a Spit

Pics: Antoinet, John Mac and Bob

Ronnie with Leanne sat on a pillow in the paper
It was an ideal day for the Club’s Gymkhana and Sheep on a Spit, now you’re not going to believe it in Perth, but it was 37C in Albany, although it didn’t feel that uncomfortable as there was no humidity. Once again Colin and Leanne let us use their fabulous place, the lawn was looking great for the gymkhana, although there were a few furrows in it by the time we finished, perfect location, close to town and plenty of room for a camper or tent.

Kim demonstrating how relaxing should be done.
They have a brilliant undercover area as well which had been set up with tables and chairs. On the edge of the patio Colin’s brother Graham was looking after the sheep that was rotating slowly on the wood-fired spit. Colin and Ronnie had prepared the sheep the weekend before, and it looked and smelled delicious.
The gymkhana got under way with a slalom event, in and out of the witches hats where Carson Flower showed the old blokes how it should be done.

This was followed by the slalom and riding over a plank that was balanced on a log event, this was won by Paul Fry. The paper run was next: Four rolled up newspapers in one bin had to be deposited in another bin further up the paddock by the pillion, not as easy as it sounds as the newspapers, even standing on their edge, were not as tall as the bins.

In the pits.
All the above races were run with two bikes at a time racing each other in a knock-out competition till there was a final with only two bikes left.

Matt and Oliver doing the paper run.
All great fun and a good laugh, with nobody falling off this year, although there were some dicey maneuvers. All the young blokes, Carson, Cooper and Oliver were doing very well.
Carson waiting for the competition to arrive.

Gerald and Ronnie playing in the hay (again).
Next was musical chairs, played with the pillions having to hop off the bike when the siren sounded and find a tennis ball amongst the hay bale, hilarious as the tennis balls were harder to find than the boche balls we used last time, the winner was Mathew and Oliver with good sportsmanship from Brendon and Cooper.
By this time most seemed to be too exhausted to carry on, must have been the heat, and it was definitely time for a beer.

Great setting for a relaxing afternoon.
After a while the carvers were cutting up the sheep, the snaggers were cooked and a variety of salads were presented on the table, so for a while it was reasonably quiet.

After dinner, when it was dark, Colin had rigged up a big screen where we watched “On Any Sunday II”, with the stars above us and a beer in hand, what better way to end the day. Very romantic I thought!

Thanks Colin and Leanne for using your place, Ronnie and Antoinet for organising sausages and sheep etc and Graham for being head “sheep looker afterer”.

Great day, look forward to next year.

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