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October 2015 Club News

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AGM and Ride

Arriving at Kamballup Hall.
For a change the weather didn’t look too good, even to the extent of a forecast of snow on the Stirlings, and we were having the AGM at the Kamballup Hall in between the Porongorups and the Stirlings. It had rained and blew most of the night and the temperature was very low.

When Chris and I were having breakfast we were watching the black clouds and rain pouring down outside. Hmmm, don’t think there will be many there.

We decided to take the sidecar, with Chris as passenger. We rode out to the info bay in the dry and were greeted by the sight of Club members and their cars, but at least they turned up. Then Antoinet rolled up on her bike followed by Ronnie, Bob Boyes, Steve Collins, and Jim Sharpe all the way from Denmark. Well done Jim.

New member Shane Rooney and his 10 year old son Jake also arrived having made the trek from Gnowangerup. We decided to get going as there was another build-up of black clouds. And as we took off down it came, but not for long, and then the sky cleared and the road dried out, good stuff. The rest of the day we rode in sunshine.

We stopped at Mt Barker for coffee and then off down the Woogenellup Road to Kamballup. The road is one of the better roads to ride on in this part of the country and this year it looks great with crops of canola amid the greenery.

Bob Boyes had left the lid of his top box open, but luckily managed to retrieve his spare glove and beanie from the road. Raelene and Garry met us at the hall making up the numbers a bit, although we were certainly down on previous years.

Deciding committee positions.
The AGM went smoothly with no change of committee. It's a great venue and very cheap to hire. Thanks Chester for going back-up and Raelene for the cake.

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