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It was a cold, but fine morning for the 8 am start to ride out
to Peaceful Bay. There was certainly a good variety of bikes
including Steve’s S7 Sunbeam ridden two-up with Yvonne on the
We headed out through the King River on the Nanarup Road before
turning down the scenic Two People’s Bay Road. There was a blur
of red and white (followed by two-stroke smoke) as Steve
overtook me at around 70 mph (so he said) on his 250cc Ariel
Leader. The bike certainly goes well.
As we pulled up in the parking area a large animal shot from the
bush through the bikes, it looked like an oversize Quokka, there
was plenty of discussion as to what it was, interesting though.
The BBQ’s were tested, and only one was working, so once again
the Club BBQ came in handy, otherwise we would have been cooking
till lunchtime.
The cooks did a great job, and Colin and Leanne had gone out of
their way to buy the bacon, eggs and bread for the morning’s
breakfast. It was much appreciated. They would be repaid by the
Claude’s son Josh was celebrating his 14th birthday which gave
us the opportunity of stretching the tonsils and scaring the
wildlife. Eventually it was time to pack up, one of the most
pleasing things about the Club is everyone helps out, so it was
cleared away in no time.
The ride back home was in lovely warm weather. We then had
a meeting to discuss the Club’s three week trip to South
Australia, there were plenty of ideas and a plan was formed.
Thanks again to Colin and Leanne for going back-up, a most enjoyable morning.