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The “Bring Your Oldest Bike Ride” is always one of the more
popular Club rides of the year and this year’s was no exception.
The first Sunday in January was perfect for riding, not too hot,
little wind and clear skies. There were over 30 bikes in
attendance manufactured in the UK, Europe, Japan and the US
covering a wide variety of makes, the oldest being Mike Hyland’s
beautiful pre-war BSA.
We rode a little way up the Upper Denmark Road before heading
down the Marbellup Road to the Lower Denmark Road and Youngs
Siding. Definitely less traffic going this way.
The Youngs Siding Store did well selling ice-creams and cool
drinks. After spending a long time chatting and catching up we
returned through Elleker and Marine Drive to Emu Point where we
had lunch.
All the bikes performed well although Lloyd’s ES2 Norton was
playing up a bit with suspected ignition/carbie problems, but to
his credit Lloyd was determined to ride it home without putting
the bike on the trailer and he did. Great day, many thanks to
Phil and Lurline for doing back-up duties.
Don’t forget that a Perth “Bring Your Oldest Bike Ride” is
happening in Perth on August 9 organised by Clive Oakes.