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Even though it looked like it was
going to be a warm day (for Albany) there was still a large
number of members turn up for a ride through Narrikup, Mt Barker
and Kamballup.
Colby was there in summer riding gear from Kulin and Chris had
made the effort to ride over from Denmark.
We headed towards the Porongorups before turning down Yellanup
Road to Narrikup. We had a prolonged stop there, shame the store
is shut these days though, before heading down Spencer Road to
the Denmark-Mt Barker Road to Mt Barker.
We decided to have lunch in the shade of the park near the main
street, great idea as apparently the bakery was very hot. Went
to put 95 octane fuel in the bike at the main servo in Mt Barker
when I noticed that it said 10% ethenol, steer clear of that
stuff, so settled for 98 octane instead.
After lunch we went in different directions home, with some
taking the Woogenellup Rd, the Porongorups Rd and also the
Albany Hwy. Web editor addition - I went up Syred Road but
turned back south when the temperature on the GS hit 38 degrees
C and the fuel pump started struggling to keep the bike running.
After parking the bike a quick swim at Middleton Beach cooled us off. A most enjoyable ride, and as always good company.