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Even though the weather could have looked better there was a
large turn-out for the ride through the Stirlings and Boxwood
Hills returning through Wellstead.
It was good to see Colby from Kulin joining us and Greg, who
hadn’t been on a Club ride for a long time.
It's a great ride through the Stirlings to Amelup Roadhouse
which is open on Sunday mornings and makes a good place to stop
for a break.
Chris and Francesco left us there to take the dirt roads back to
Denmark via Red Gum Pass. Then it was time for the ride to
Boxwood Hills. It’s brilliant with nice views of the Stirlings
and surrounding countryside as you ride down the escarpment.
Frank and Jill always make us most welcome at their roadhouse
where we stopped for lunch.
The ride home takes in some nice bends over the Pallinup River
before passing through Wellstead. Great ride, with no breakdowns
or mishaps.