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The 100 year celebration of racing at Lake Perkolilli was on in
October, so a bunch of the Perth mob organized a run to
Kalgoorlie for the weekend. Was gunna be a dash up the tarmac
they said, but turned into a dirt road adventure. Kylie
was the only solo road bike on her Triumph, so off we go. 9
sidecars, 4 dirt bikes and Kylie.
Camped in a shed near York Thursday night and waited for the
Friday morning crew, then off to Bruce Rock the back way. Fuel
up then head east to emu proof fence, turning left to
Yellowdine. While having a beer at the turn a couple of old
blokes covered us in dust as they sped past in their car. Turned
out it was Bob and Colin with wives on board, from Albany.
Quick lunch at roadhouse and 5 head up tarmac to the lake,
while the rest of us head north to Koolanobbing and take the
rail access line. Why do 150km on tar when you can do 280km on
dirt? Kylie says she will give it a go.
Getting late and talk of bush camping till the horizon turns
black with massive thunderstorm, so decide to push on till
Coolgardie in the dark so we don't get stranded, and book into
the motel.
Heavy rain all night, so in the morning we get the message that
racing is cancelled at Lake Perkolilli. Into Kal for brekky and
watch all these muddy vehicles arrive back in town.
The other sidecars had fun getting out of the muddy track. The
VCC were in town as well, so a visit to trotting track to check
out the old cars being polished up.
More heavy rain and hail forecast for that afternoon, so we
decide to retreat to the Muntadgin pub for the night. Back to
Yellowdine and head south to Mt Palmer, an old gold town.
Had a beer at the old pub and left. Found a clay pan on the way
so engaged in some racing of our own, great for drifting in a
sidecar. Continue on with Kylie getting tired so got left behind
for last 100km into Muntadgin on some great farm roads, watching
two large thunderstorms coming our way.
Set up camp behind the pub and time for a beer. The 3 locals
left shortly after as we got rowdy. They say [what happens at
the pub stays at the pub] so you will have to visit the pub to
see us doing the full monty (or full munty?) at front door.
Drink Kylies 22-year-old port and into bed just as the
thunderstorm hits.
Rains all night again, so roads slippery on the way to
Narambeen. Head west to Beverly on Old Beverly Rd but only doing
50kmph as the gravel was greasy. Rain starts again at Quairading
and doesn't stop till we arrive in Perth extremely wet and
All up we covered about 1500km with 700 odd on dirt roads. The
rest of the boys want to give Kylie an award for keeping up and
not falling off once.