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December 2014 Club News

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Cosy Breakfast Ride

Bob pointing the way (several ways in fact) at the
          info bay.
A perfect morning for a ride to Cosy Corner for breakfast with over 20 bikes at the info bay, not bad for a early start. It was also great to see many partners on the ride. The ride out was uneventful, but most enjoyable in perfect weather.

Organising barbies and chatting hard.
Meeting us there was Geoff who rode down from Denmark and Daniel and Mary from Bow River. Once again the BBQ’s proved unreliable with one completely out of gas and the other barely alive. Luckily Bob Boyes was doing back-up duties and the trailer had the Club BBQ and plenty of gas.

Maureen and John enjoying breakfast, behind them:
          Barry, Chris and Mike.
After a lengthy breakfast and chat it was time to head home, although about half decided to have a look at Apex Drive to see what changes we would have to make for the Hill Climb the following weekend.

On the way back to Albany a car just in front braked hard to avoid a couple of cyclists, it was unusual to see a modern Triumph, a Sunbeam, a Buell and a BSA all doing emergency stops at the same time and we all seemed to stop in the same distance, which is amazing.

There was a lot of discussion at Apex Drive as to where different things were going to be placed, but it was well worth it and gave us a better idea of any details we had to discuss at the Hill Climb meeting the next evening.

Lovely 1969 BSA Rocket Three.
Then it was time to head home, great morning, thanks Bob for doing back-up duties.

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