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April 2011 Club News

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The back way to Jennacubine

Pics and story: John Sinclair

Lots of advice helps mend the puncture
We started out with 10 solos and two sidecars at Pickering Brook, then took to the gravel roads and 4WD tracks thru to York for a late lunch, along the way, thanks to the ever-faithful corner-man marking system we lost our trail leader. Don’t ask me... I don’t know how either.

We eventually caught up with him at the Jennacubbine Pub at the end of the day. Now that’s the next story, we were supposed to be staying in the hall ($50 for the night)

When we got to the pub there was about 20 Harleys parked out front. The publican said its alright for us to share with the other guys on the bikes, they won’t mind.

They happened to be the Coffin Cheaters and there were more on their way to the pub. So we kindly said, no thanks, we will find alternative accommodation.

Sidecar trials
Terry Oakes (Clive’s brother) was there to meet us and said we could all camp back on his property outside Toodyay about 25 kms away, which worked out really well, so we finished the great day’s ride with a few beers and a BBQ and a swim in their pool to wash off the day’s dust, which there was plenty of for this time of year. I am sure their pool looked a little red in colour the next morning.

On Sunday we made our way to Northam for the annual swap meet. $3.00 entry fee gave you the right to purchase all the crap you would ever want to buy, my goodness was there plenty to choose from.

I am sure most of us at home would have thrown out a lot of that stuff years ago, oh well one man's crap is another man's crap oops treasure I should say.

Scrabbling for traction in the mud
From Northam we made our way back thru Toodyay then into the Julimar State Forest tracks and trails, eventually going down one of the steepest hillside tracks that I have ever seen, unbelievable, going up it would certainly be a good challenge on the right machine, not too good on these heavy dual-sporters that we are on.

A good weekend was had by all, but bring on the winter weather soon please, too hot and dusty this time of year.

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