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Another coolish day in Albany where most other areas in the State
are sweltering, but perfect for a ride. Apparently they are about to
rip up part of the Woogenellup Road, which is a good biking road, so
we’d better make the most of it.
Before we arrived at the turn-off at Kamballup we had a brief stop,
the shop was shut which is interesting, so another country servo in
trouble. Those with small tanks will have to fill up at every
opportunity just to be on the safe side.
Great ride though to Kendenup, it's scenic and the road is good all the
way from Albany. There the cafe was open for pies and pasties, which
were soon devoured, and the more frugal took their own lunch and ate in
the park next door.
Everyone left at different times and went their own way. Chris and I
decided to ride back to Albany via the Porongorups, which is only 20ks
further, and a lot more interesting, with some good bends.
Riding through the Porongurups we noticed Phil and Lurline had
pulled over at the shop, we stopped as well and enjoyed a coffee and
scone - very civilised.
After a chat and a laugh we set off for Albany, the gravel we heard
about on the road turned out to be non-existent which was a bonus.
Great ride and company.