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A lovely spot and an enjoyable weekend, but
have the noise police got worse.
Not long after Chris and I arrived the new managers came over,
introduced themselves and then said that there was to be no talking
after 10pm! No music I can understand, but talking! This was followed
by well, women are OK to talk because they talk quieter than men - they
obviously hadn’t met some of our ladies ha ha.
Having said that Saturday saw a great turn-out
of members from Perth, and Albany, so it was a good opportunity to get
reacquainted with seldom seen members as well as some of the BMW Club
from Perth.
Rob Berryman came over on another of his Laverdas to say hello.
A couple of fires were lit and dinner was cooked to be followed by more
socialising. Next day, as well as saying goodbye to some who were
heading off, the majority of the stayers headed into Walpole for a
coffee in one of the friendly cafes in town. This was followed by
a ride around the North Walpole Road ending up in Bow River
before heading back to camp.
Rob Berryman invited members back to his place
for a look at his bikes etc and for a coffee or drink - he’s a skillful
bloke and has some interesting stuff. Back at camp a group of members
rode out from Albany, unfortunately I missed them, but they would have
had a good ride.
Ronnie spent the rest of the afternoon wind
surfing, while others had a read or relaxed with the prominent march
flies. Another five people turned up in the afternoon, and after a
while I got the guitar out for a spell before dinner and more yakking.
We left early on Monday for a beautiful ride to Denmark for some
breakfast before heading home.
A great weekend but the general consensus was
to see if we could find a different camping spot for the same weekend
next year.
Thanks Ronnie and Antoinet for bringing out and supplying wood.