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April 2010 Club News

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Wings & Wheels Festival

by Robin Bromilow

Neil and I decided to got to the Wings & Wheels Festival at the Ravensthorpe Airport on the long weekend at the end of February. I’m very glad we did.

Neil talks old bikes to passers-by
We took three bikes - 1905  T.B., 1912 Rover and 1923 BSA. The Rover drew a lot of interest as it was on a stand and Neil was able to start it and people could see him peddling it to make it go.

Old BSA M-series single as rescued from shed
There was a motorcycle and sidecar in a trailer as taken out of a shed. It had been rescued from a farmer who had been robbed recently. It was left behind so the farmer had told the new owner he had better come and get it before the robbers realised what they had left behind. The only other old bike at the show was also a BSA.

There were plenty of stationery engines, tractors, cars and planes to be seen. The festival was over two days, but the Saturday had the strongest following. Many people had had enough of the wind by Sunday and were pulling out early.

We had a truck parked next to us and found when we woke on the Sunday morning that the bees had moved in overnight. There had been a hive under the bench seat when the owners had first got it. The bees had found a new ready-made home. Hence it had to be towed away before anyone was walking around.

We were made very welcome at the festival and advised that they would be running it again in two years time.

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