It was the coldest, hailiest Saturday for years
- so what was Sunday and the AGM going to be like? Not as cold and not
so much hail, but the showers first thing in the morning were pretty
regular and heavy.
Nevertheless there were about 8 bikes and quite
a number of cars at the info bay and more at Woodbury Boston, so
considering the weather it was a good turn-out. Daniel had ridden in
from Bow River and Mike Saunders who used to live in Denmark and now in
Thailand was also there. Mike was one of the original committee members
of our Club.
The ride to Youngs Siding was uneventful,
only one heavy shower, but the lakes that used to be paddocks made for
interesting scenery. After a coffee stop at Youngs where Ken Donaldson
from Williams Bay was waiting to meet us we headed off for Woodbury
You can’t fail but be impressed by the view
over Torbay, especially on a wind-swept day with a big swell. Forrest,
Chester, Trudy, Andy and Des had arrived early and had set the tables
out and lit the fire. Forrest had the urn on and had made scones - all
most appreciated.
The AGM was then held and Ron Allen was
presented with Life Membership for his dedication and service to the
Club, among other things he has been treasurer for 10 years, well done
and thanks Ron. The committee basically stayed the same except Andy
Burn is now treasurer, Antoinet Glazema assistant secretary and Ian
Grant 2nd secretary.
After we had lunch and a natter it was time to tidy up and have a dry ride home. A successful day - reports are elsewhere in the Club News.