Hillclimb | Trials| Shed | Kojonup | Short Way | Waterfall | Around Oz | Pudding | OCR 2008 | Calendar
was a wet morning in Albany leading up to the 10 am start, so
considering the weather we had a good turn-out. Surprisingly it was dry
and sunny in Denmark (climate change I reckon). It was good to see Phil
and Bronwyn from Kojonup on their BSA 650.
Under instructions from Jim we rode
through Denmark turning up McLeod Road which took us up to the Alpaca
Farm on Scotsdale Road. We then rode to the end of the bitumen (further
than I thought - and an enjoyable ride) before we were greeted by Jim
and his helpers at the rendezvous point of a neighbour’s shed. We
stored the bikes for the drive to Jim’s place and then the waterfall on
the Styx River, which incidentally flows into the Kent River.
Jim and had organised enough 4WD’s to carry the mob. First stop
though was morning tea at Jim and Yvonne’s place, where there was a
superb spread of cakes together with tea or coffee all laid-on for the
visitors. They had gone to a lot of effort and it was much appreciated.
We then
piled back into the 4WD’s for the ride to the waterfall - what
a great spot and the patterns in the pool below were spectacular.
Jim had organised two BBQ’s to be transported to the waterfall, as
well as providing some buns and steaks for those who hadn’t brought
their own - really excelled yourself mate.
We all had a great time socialising and admiring the environment, we
also celebrated Neil’s 66th birthday with a cake courtesy of Antoinet.
It was then time to return to the shed to pick up the bikes from the
shed and head home. We returned via Scotsdale Road, which by that time
of the day had dried out a bit, a coffee in Denmark for some before
heading back to Albany.
It was an exceptional day, a big thank you to Jim and Yvonne and the many helpers which included friends, Club members as well as their family members. Thanks also to Neil and Robin who went back-up.
I would like to thank Jim Sharp and his great band of helpers who provided transport, morning tea and BBQ on Sunday, July 6 for the members of the Vintage & Classic Motorcycle Club, all in spite of grim predictions from the weather experts. A great day enjoyed by us all.