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Lovely day for a ride, and about 25 riders and pillions took advantage
it. Most stopped at Kamballup before the climb up through the wiggly
bends at Bluff Knoll. The views there are superb. Then onto Ongerup
(with some beautiful sweeping bends to enjoy) where
lunch was eaten opposite the Roadhouse amongst the trees.
Unfortunately Harley was having trouble starting his bike, but with
help especially from Chester, John and Phil it ran, although nobody was
certain why, maybe a corroded connection in there somewhere. But Harley
was on his way with his son escorting him on the ride. On
the way back his toolkit fell out, Jim found it - splattered over the
road, passed it on to Chester who caught Harley up at the Kamballup
Roadhouse and managed to pass it onto him. Onya Chester, you sure had a
busy day!