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WHAT do you think of this idea? Once a month, say on the third
Saturday a group of helpful members ride around to your place after
lunch to help you with any problems you may be having with your bike.
It might be that you’re new to motorcycling and would like some
experienced hands to guide you with chain adjustment or oil change. It
might be an older bike that you’re having trouble with, tappet
adjustment, a constant annoying problem or maybe a restoration project
that you’re having trouble with, and as so often happens a few heads
discussing ideas is better than one.
I’m not suggesting that all problems would be fixed, but just a few
more ideas may be introduced and all the while getting a bit of social
interaction is going on. Others may come along to see what they could
The only catch would be that whoever’s place we go to would provide
tea/coffee and biscuits! Interested?
If you think you would benefit from a visit from Club members and would like them to visit your place phone Bob (9841 5501) or email him.
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