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April 2008 Club News

Australia Day in Esperance

Pics and story by Ronnie & Antoinet (additional hysterical photo by WebEd)

Saturday morning, 8.30 am, it was only Warwick, Ronnie and me at the Amity. Nobody else showed up, so at 8.45 we took off to Esperance. The weather was great, not too hot, not too cold and not too windy.

Stopped for some shade on the road
We had lots of stops along the way, Wellstead, Jerramungup, Ravensthorpe and Munglinup. Ronnie and I get sore bums when we ride 100kms or more, so today we both had a little camping pillow on our seat and it worked much better.

Good use for big, watertight panniers...After Ravensthorpe it got very windy and quite warm. At about 3.30 pm we arrived at the caravan park in Esperance. We got a great spot, close to the campers kitchen, showers and toilets. Ronnie and I went to town to buy some beers and nibbles. We filled one pannier with ice and 24 bottles of beer - great esky.

Warwick did lots of yakking and we heard great stories about his travels, bikes and food! He also taught us some more Aussie slang. We went to the pub for a meal and a beer. The next day Ronnie and Warwick went for a ride to Condingup, Warwick wanted to check out the caravan park over there.

I walked to town, went to the markets, read my book and enjoyed the beautiful weather. We met for lunch at the bakery and went for a ride along the beaches. Back at the caravan park for some more yakking and more slang. Suddenly Ray and son Kevin turned up to have a drink with us.

My old R75 on the same road in 1984Ray had left Albany at 5 am Saturday morning and was visiting Kevin and family. Great to see them. We went to the pub for another nice meal and went to bed early. Warwick got woken up by a barking dog and a screaming baby, we had earplugs in so we were alright. Monday morning started very cloudy. We packed up had some breakfast and met Ray at Kevin’s place. Kevin is a bee keeper and gave us a jar of beautiful honey.

At 7.30 am we waved goodbye and headed back to Albany. Had the same stops as Saturday, but after filling up with fuel in Jerramungup we went to Ongerup, Borden, Amelup and the Stirlings. Warwick kept going and Ray, Ronnie and me went through the Porongurups back home. A great weekend.

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