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Two People's Bay Ride

By Antoinet Glazema

Tristan and Bob admiring the three-cylinder British bikes.
The annual breakfast ride to Two Peoples Bay is always a popular one. An early ride, a nice breakfast, good company and still most if the day left to do other things.

Ready to ride: Leanne, Colin, Mike and Andrew.
There was a good turnout at the info bay. We all enjoyed the ride to Two Peoples Bay. Not a lot of traffic at this time if the day and once we got to our destination we lit the barbeques and soon the bacon and eggs were sizzling.

Great to catch up with everyone, talking about Bob's progress, the Hillclimb that went so well and of course a lot of talk about bikes.

I rode the spare parts bike today or as Garry T calls it; the Bitza bike. It is a mixture of bikes and parts and it looks like I am off to the circus. But like Bob said when I sent him a photo “the looks don't matter as long as it is comfy.”

I have got big plans for this bike and I’ve got Ronnie working hard to make it happen. We ended up with 23 members at Two Peoples Bay. The last one to arrive was Ian Alexander. His bike didn't want to start and he had to get his other bike from somewhere else to join us.

Ronnie, Leanne, Colin and Chester at Two People Bay.
Great to see him arrive and join us for a chat. Thank you to Don and Judy Fraser for doing back-up duties. Hope to see you all on Sunday the 8th of December for the Hospice ride.

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