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doing well, making the most of the facilities at Fiona Stanley Rehab.
I'm getting stronger and fitter every day, putting in extra work in the
I'm moving better, hopping from wheelchair to bed etc, showering and dressing myself. I'm still getting more sensations in my legs etc, but unfortunately at this stage can't move my legs.
Having said that it's still early days and you never know what the future holds. I'm certainly a lot better off than most in rehab.
So after 5 months in hospitals I'll be home on December 19th, obviously in a wheelchair, but that's fine and I'll be adapting a car and sidecar with hand controls.
I'll be doing out-patient rehab at Albany Hospital and plenty of gym work too to keep and stay fit and to encourage muscle and nerve development in my legs.
This is a new world for me that will continue to throw up many challenges, but I'm up for it. Hopefully I'll walk again, but if not I'll still lead a full life with wheels instead of legs for transport.
I'm very grateful for the support you've all given me, it certainly
helps to keep me motivated.
Cheers Bob