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I was asked to assist in running a hill climb event at Mount Brown,
York. Why not, always fun helping at the Albany Hill Climb, so yes.
Garry helped by sharing his expertise on organizing, so left Greg to
deal with officialdom and with only two months to go managed to get 32
entries. Most of them the usual hill climb junkies.
The York shire were very helpful and did a great job of fixing the road
edges and firebreaks for spectators to walk on. Head to York on Friday
arvo to meet Greg and helpers and run through what we were going to do.
Need to set a time limit so give the 90S 4 runs up the track and come up
with 22 seconds.
All sorted so off to meet up with my mates who were helping out next day to eat, drank and be merry. Maybe too much of the drink!
Up the hill by 7am and meet the entrants. Good to catch up with usual
lot and admire some nice bikes.
Riders brief, then time to roll to at 8am.
I’m off down to run the start line. Not much space so we have 10 bikes
come down at a time and send off in twos. All runs to plan - what plan?
- we made it up as we went.
Stop for lunch then continue. Lots of locals came up on the bus and had a look which was good. Not much to see at start line so most people hung around the pit area which was a good spot to watch on first corner and coffee van.
Finished around 2pm and winner was Gary Tarnardi. Second place was one
of our members on his flat tank Norton, Tim Harding.
Down to main street for presentation by shire president to finish off the day. No crashes or dramas and shire happy so hopefully it's all go again next year and not at the same time as old bike week. Article on The Bike Shed Times.