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Well, that’s the general idea, a tuning day with a snagger thrown in,
but this day there was very little tuning, but plenty of socialising and
sausages sizzling on the BBQ.
Actually the forecast was for torrential rain and thunderstorms so we
weren’t expecting many to turn up, but... Garry Taylor was first to
arrive with pergola, chairs and urn, don’t know where the Club would be
without him.
All that was put up ready for eager Club members to arrive - or would
they? Then Warwick turned up with home-made biscuits, very nice and to
top it off Raelene had been busy making scones together with jam and
cream - delicious.
Funnily enough the word must have got around about the food as 20-30
members arrived, brilliant, plenty of riders too (not scared of a bit of
Back to the tuning. Kim brought his 900 Honda around and straight in the
shed it went, he thought it might need some air in the tyres, a slight
understatement, but I don’t want to embarrass him by telling you how
little was in there. Anyway after googling the correct pressure that was
Next Don roared in on his 1955 BMW R50, lovely original condition, Don
wasn’t sure of the correct solo position of the forks as there are two
settings, one for sidecar, and the other for solo. After checking, two
bolt positions were altered, and that was it for the day.
Back to the sausages (after the scones and biscuits were devoured):
Garry Taylor was the masterchef, doing a brilliant job on the BBQ.
Chris bought some lovely non-fancy sausages that were a hit with
everyone, doused in a bit of sauce with a dash of onions it was worthy
of any world class restaurant.
By the time everything was eaten the sky turned black and I mean black,
and there were a few drops of rain as we started to take everything
down. Then after sheltering in the shed for 10 minutes it stopped and
the rest of the backyard was cleared.
Riders were disappearing at an alarming rate as the sky darkened again,
they obviously realised that the first shower was just a prelude and the
downpour was about to come... and it did. It was very well timed.
Thanks to Chris for organising the food, Garry for cooking it and bringing the pergola etc and for everyone who turned up, see you next time.