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October 2017 Club News

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The Mysterious BBQ Ride

Why mysterious you might ask? That’s because it’s a mystery how we nearly always manage to get split up on this ride, not that it matters though as long as you enjoyed the day.
Looking towards Walpole.
About 20 bikes were on the ride which was in perfect winter weather, warm, no wind and dry. We set off from Albany, meeting the Denmark crew by the river in Denmark. While we were there fly-in-fly-out Gerry turned up with his mate, good to see.
Meeting at the Denmark River.

We rode around Scotsdale Road through to Bow River where we turned and headed up the Hazelvale Road and North Walpole Road before arriving at the Peninsular just south of Walpole.

About six of us arrived at the BBQ area by the channel, the rest stopped at the Coalmine Beach BBQ, it is a bit confusing, although a shame we weren’t all together.

But nevertheless they are both nice areas, perfect for lunch. A plus was the BBQ’s were hot and the place is pristine. We had a good laugh and chat over lunch before heading home.

It was the July school holidays and I was amazed at the lack of traffic on the road which was a real bonus as Walpole to Denmark has some great bends and there was no traffic holding us up.

Great ride, I’ll have to be more specific at the briefing next time so as we all arrive at the same place

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