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October 2017 Club News

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Corrie Bailey Shed Ride

It was a cold morning and rain was threatening but a dozen hearty Club members turned up for the ride to Corrie Bailey’s shed. Having said that the number included John, on his Suzuki and Peter, a visitor from the Indian Harley Club in Bunbury.

The farm machinery display set amongst other bit and pieces.
Off we went on the short ride up Millbrook Road to Corrie’s place. When we arrived at the farm Corrie was there to meet us and take us on a guided tour. Bob, who amassed the collection of stationary motors, old farming gear etc died some years ago, but Corrie and her son keep the legacy in good condition.

One way to turn a motor off.
The farm was originally in Warwick Jones’ family and he was able to give us an insight into its history.
After looking at all the stuff in the shed Corrie took us over to the house where the collection of old household appliances are stored. It was fascinating and Corrie is an excellent host.

From there we rode up Albany Hwy turning down Settlement Road, then Chester Pass Road and the Porongurups.

The roads were wet in places but we missed the rain. Its always nice riding through wet countryside when the sun is out, the greenery looks great. Andrew’s 250cc BMW never ceases to amaze me, a genuine 90km/h and he’s still sitting there, bike purring along.

BBQ crew at Porongurups.
We arrived at he National Park for lunch, great spot, BBQ’s working and with few people around. Mind you the BBQ was used mainly to warm up ha ha.

After lunch it was time to head home. Thanks Warwick for doing back-up duties.

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