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February 2017 Club News

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Cosy Corner via Redmond Ride

Don’t the Club shirts look good, don’t forget you can order yours by giving Chris a ring.
The weather looked a bit overcast for our afternoon ride out to Cosy Corner for a BBQ. But an intrepid dozen club members turned up at the info bay, including Phillip who had come down specially for the ride from Kojonup, and Daniel who rode his 500cc Moto Guzzi from Bow River.

Chatting at the Redmond Store.
First stop was Redmond store, which took us up Millbrook Road, the store was (not unusually) closed, but nevertheless a nice place to put the feet up.

John and Maureen enjoy a Christmas drink.
Then is was down a slightly zig-zaggy ride to Cosy Corner. After a leisurely jaunt down deserted bitumen roads we came to the 4ks of dirt. But a good smooth uncorrugated road nevertheless.

Only problem was the dust, not too bad until a 4WD approached from the other direction, and they don’t like to really slow down do they?

This was followed by a truck, and I couldn’t see a thing when that went past. But I must admit I still enjoyed the road.

It wasn’t long before we were back on the bitumen and then the Upper Denmark Road, we cut through Rutherford Road to the Lower Road and then onto Cosy Corner.

On the way in we were met by Philip from Denmark, and then later Warwick and Chester turned up.
The BBQ’s were in excellent working order and were hot - how’s that? After an enjoyable social hour it was time to head home.

Bob Christmas doing backup.
Thanks to Bob Boyes for doing back-up duties, although it was a trouble-free ride, you never know.

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