There was an excellent turn-out for the “Bring Your Oldest Bike” ride
with many members who have old bikes bringing them along. It was good to
see Bruce down from Perth and Ross from Torbay way on his Honda 350cc
twin as well as Dan who had ridden the Ariel Red Hunter down from Bow
We set off at a leisurely pace to Youngs Siding for our first stop in
perfect weather, and all the bikes going well.
But when we arrived at our coffee break Steve was having trouble with
the ignition lights on his Triumph Trident, after plenty of input from
enthusiastic bystanders the fault was traced to the fuse holder not
making a good connection with the fuse, fixed that and it was fine
After leaving Youngs Siding Ross was having trouble with the Honda and
decided it would be prudent to take it home, as he lives nearby, and
change it for his beautiful seventies R80/7 BMW.
It must be like the Bermuda Triangle around that area as shortly after Mike’s 125cc Honda decided that enough was enough and unfortunately it was put on the trailer. Mind you Mike wasn’t hanging around beforehand as he zoomed past us like we were standing still.
The rest of the ride was uneventful, but also excellent with the view
from Marine Drive at its best. Shortly after we arrived at our picnic
spot at Emu Point where Kylie met us.
After a casual lunch it was time to head home. Thanks to Phil and Lurline for going back-up, they went the extra distance dropping Mike off at home. It was an enjoyable and entertaining day.