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Only six riders attended on what was a very windy day. It would have
been seven but someone was getting her nails done. As Bob Dylan said,
“The times they are a-changing”.
We set out on the Lower Denmark Road as we reckoned less traffic and
less wind. We were right about the traffic. A strong crosswind and
stronger gusts caused us to make full use of the traffic lane but we all
arrived in Denmark for smoko and to watch tourists and ducklings. Not
much difference really.
A couple of young girls wanted to know if we were part of a bikie gang
and did we all ride Harleys. Yes we were bad bikies but we didn’t ride
Harleys because they are tractors. They looked confused.
Next came a short detour in Denmark to cross a new bridge and then on
to Mt Barker bakery to purchase lunch. The bakery was full of tourists
but we got through and then it was off to eat lunch at Castle Rock in
the Porongurups and the anticipated use of our shiny new Club Park pass.
Alas, no rangers, so the passes went back in the folder for another
day. Had lunch while rain threatened then headed home to Albany.
For once the rain started after the ride so it was a good day.