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October 2016 Club News

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Phillip and the Norman

Norman fork bush remade.Phillip is restoring a Norman two-stroke motorcycle. One of the problems that he had was one of the spring adapters was cracked. There are no new spare parts available and another set of forks are likely to be worn through use.

A firm called Avtech in Bellevue were prepared to make new fork bushes (at a price), even though there’s a lot of work in setting up the machinery to do the spiral spring groove.

Norman forks exploded.

He bought stainless steel rims from Devon Rims (in Devon, surprise!) They make their own rims from scratch to the original Dunlop profile. CWC import their rims from India and finish them in the U.K. Stainless spokes from Spoke Wheels with hubs painted by RA Mort, Kojonup panel beaters.

Norman on ute.The bike began life on a farm in Collie, and was then bought by a man in Kendenup. When he brought this thing home and fixed the slipping kickstart lever it started second kick.

It’ll be interesting to see how the restoration proceeds and we’ll look forward to seeing the finished bike, maybe even charging up the Albany Hill Climb?

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