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December 2015 Club News

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Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride

By Don and Judy Fraser

Riders: Andrew BMW, Bob AJS, David Kawasaki, Don BMW,
          Arthur Ducati, Matt AJS.
Albany had its inaugural Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride on the 27 of September on a very cold and blustery morning. Six intrepid souls met at the Vancouver Street Café, where family and friends joined us for coffees. A very social start to the day!

David on his Kawasaki Z1B did a sterling job riding in from Denmark into very strong head winds wearing his very spiffy tweed jacket. Heading off on the ride around Marine Drive, back into town along Middleton Road we lost Arthur and thought he must have gone home.

Down through the centre of town we got a few strange looks!  A very well-dressed group of motorcyclists is a rarity. Out along Princess Royal Drive, left into Frenchman Bay Rd, where the wind was gusting so bad from the south-east you had to be careful not to be blown into the oncoming lane. Then a right turn for a quick blast to the wind farm - what a great bit of road.

While we were having a short stop Arthur arrived, said he was having a bit of trouble with the Ducati so went home and got the Buell (a very nice bit of gear). Back on the bikes for the next stop at the Distillery on Frenchman Bay Rd for a coffee and a warm-up drink.

I would like to thank David, Matt, Andrew,  Bob and Arthur. Overall the Albany’s Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride raised $925.00 for research into prostate cancer.

I would also like to thank the Distinguished Gentleman’s Riders for organizing rides worldwide which has raised a total of US $2,289,522.00!

All the monies raised goes to prostate cancer research in the country in which the money was raised.

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