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Bremer Bay Pub Ride

Dubious-looking mermaid keeps bike watch at Bremer
A drizzly day kept the numbers down, but the ones who went to Bremer Bay for lunch at the pub enjoyed it. We left Albany losing Andrew, Barry and Ian at the Cheynes Beach turn-off, not sure if it was because of the weather or the fact that the MotoGP was on tele in the afternoon.

Jack and his BMW trike.
Anyway we continued, heading to Wellstead when we came across Jack and his trike, lost a bit of power, turned out the handbrake was on, wouldn’t help would it?

Wellstead has good cheap coffee, always a welcome break, then onto Boxwood Hills for a brief stop to meet Glen Oliver and John and Kerry Davis, we then continued onto Bremer Bay. Jack did a sharp U-turn and returned to Albany, but it was good to see him out and about after not being too good.

John putting on his wet weather gear to the amusement
          of the rest of us.
The drizzle came and went all day but John Davis was well prepared with extra large garbage bags tied to his legs, looked a bit like a weird musketeer.

Bremer Bay Hotel for lunch.
At the pub Shane Rooney and his family joined us for lunch which we had out on the verandah. Barbara Thomas also came down for a chat as well, as Wes was out surfing!

Returning to Albany we came across a 4WD and caravan that had just jack-knifed across the road. The lady who was driving (giving her husband a rest) had decided to adjust her seat while travelling along a narrow part of Chester Pass Road, she hit the gravel, and was lucky she didn’t roll it. The car was well and truly bogged and they needed a truck to pull them out.

Lucky we weren’t riding past them when it happened.

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